How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C++

  1. How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C Mac
  2. How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C 2017
  3. How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C Online
  4. How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C Free
  5. How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C Windows 10
  • I having trouble to export DLL which would contain one fucntion. The function would create an MFC dialog object, then the object is instantiated and then run method is invoked. The user input from the dialog would be the return value to the function and also it would the return value from the DLL.
  • Jun 17, 2019 OpenCppCoverage.exe -modules C: Dev MyProject - MyProgram.exe. In the previous line, only module path containing C: Dev MyProject will be selected. Note: OpenCppCoverage discovers modules based on what was loaded by the program under the code coverage.modules only filters what was discovered. If you specify a dll not loaded by your program.

How to specify argument for my program?

if you run the following command you will have a parsing error: unrecognised option '--arg1'.

OpenCppCoverage.exe --sources C:DevMyProject YourProgram.exe --arg1

Oct 27, 2010  For this C tutorial, we demonstrate how to create an executable (.exe) file in Visual C 2010 that you can transfer to other machines and run independently of Microsoft Visual Studio.

The parser need a way to know that --arg1 is a flag of YourProgram.exe and not for OpenCppCoverage.exe. You need to add ‘--‘ before your executable name in the same way as many Unix command does.

OpenCppCoverage.exe --sources C:DevMyProject -- YourProgram.exe --arg1

Coverage report is empty

If you have an empty coverage report, the first thing to try is to run OpenCppCoverage without--modules, --excluded_modules, --sources and --excluded_sources:

  • If the coverage become not empty, check the value of --modules, --excluded_modules, --sources and --excluded_sources and read carefully the meaning of these flags.
  • If the coverage is still empty, please check I cannot see my module in the code coverage report and I cannot see my file in the code coverage report.

I cannot see my module in the code coverage report.

Run OpenCppCoverage with --verbose and check LastCoverageResults.log file generated in the current directory.

In LastCoverageResults.log look for the filename of the missing module:

  • If you find something like [debug] Module: YOUR_MODULE.dll is skipped because it matches no selected patterns at least one of the value of --modules or --excluded_modules is wrong.
  • If you find something like [info] Module: YOUR_MODULE.dll is selected because it matches selected pattern: Check the line [debug] Try to load pdb from YOUR_MODULE.pdb: XXXX. If XXXX is Failed PDB files are out of date or missing. If XXXX is Success, then your module was recognized correctly but no files are found for this module. See I cannot see my file in the code coverage report.
  • If you do not find your module: OpenCppCoverage discovers modules by inspecting which dynamic loaded libraries (dll) are loaded by your program. Make sure your module is loaded by your program. You can force it with LoadLibrary.

I cannot see my file in the code coverage report.

Run OpenCppCoverage with --verbose and check LastCoverageResults.log file generated in the current directory.

In LastCoverageResults.log look for the filename of the missing file:

  • If you find something like [debug] Filename: YOUR_FILE is skipped because it matches no selected patterns at least one of the value of --sources or --excluded_sources is wrong.
  • If you find something like [debug] Filename: YOUR_FILE is selected because it matches selected pattern: Please open an issue and provide coverage report and LastCoverageResults.log file.
  • If you do not find your file: Either the file does not belong to any loaded module (See I cannot see my module in the code coverage report.) or your PDB files are out of date.

Is Windows XP supported?

Windows XP is currently not supported.

Why there is an uncovered line at the end of my class declaration with Visual Studio 2013?

You can have an uncovered line at the end of the class like in following code:

You will have this behavior if your class have all the following requirements:

  • At least one default method
  • Is exported with __declspec(dllexport)
  • Has only basic types (int, bool) but no std::string, std::vector or any user class.

Even if you call the methods marked with = default, this line will be remained uncovered.

This is not a bug because there is code generated for the method marked with = default that is never called.

To avoid this problem you can see here or do the following things:

  • Remove = default from the method declaration (in the header)
  • Implement your method with = default in your source file (in .cpp)

For example, for a default copy constructor of the class MyClass, you should define in your source file (.cpp)

Coverage and throw

Consider the following output of OpenCppCoverage:

Each line is executed, but line 14 is marked as uncovered.

As foo has a destructor, the compiler adds a call to the destructor at the end of the scope. Of course, it will never be called because of the exception.

If you have an object with a destructor in the same scope as a throw, you will have this issue. You also have this case, if you declare a local variable of type std::exception before throwing.

You can see here or add a new scope around your variable like in the following code:

Network path special considerations

Consider a Visual Studio project shared at YOUR-COMPUTERSharedConsoleApplication and Z:ConsoleApplication (Z: is a network drive that maps YOUR-COMPUTERShared).

The following methods for running the program are equivalent:

OpenCppCoverage --sources ConsoleApplication -- Z:ConsoleApplicationDebugConsoleApplication.exe

OpenCppCoverage --sources ConsoleApplication -- YOUR-COMPUTERSharedConsoleApplicationDebugConsoleApplication.exe

For module filtering (--modules and --excluded_modules), you need to always use the network style that is YOUR-COMPUTERSharedConsoleApplication.

For source filtering (--sources and --excluded_sources), thing are little more complex because it depends on how the project was compiled and not how the program is run:

  • If you open Visual Studio solution using Z:ConsoleApplicationConsoleApplication.sln and then compile, you should use Z:ConsoleApplication style for filtering.
  • If you open instead YOUR-COMPUTERSharedConsoleApplicationConsoleApplication.sln and then compile, you should use YOUR-COMPUTERSharedConsoleApplication style for filtering.

It is highly recommended to run OpenCppCoverage in verbose mode when settings filters.

How do I customize the HTML report?

The HTML report is generated using HTML template files located in 'Template' folder inside OpenCppCoverage installation folder.

During the report generation, OpenCppCoverage replaces tags like {{TITLE}} by the proper value.

There are two kinds of template:

  • MainTemplate.html: template for index.html and for all HTML files located in 'Module' folder.
  • SourceTemplate.html: template for all source files.

The syntax highlighting is performed by the library code-pretiffy. The getting started page explains how to configure it.

If you want to change the color of the comment for example, you can update the theme defined in prettify-CppCoverage.css located in Templatethird-partygoogle-code-prettify. prettify-CppCoverage.css is a minified version of the default theme and you can find examples of theme here.

'else' or '}' is not marked as covered

OpenCppCoverage uses PDB content to detect which line need a coverage.

In the previous example, the line containing 'else' will never be executed and OpenCppCoverage will report it as not covered.This is because Visual Studio generates an instruction for 'else'. Indeed, generated code are not the same with and without 'else'.You can have a similar issue with “throw” (see here for more detail) and for a closing parenthesis (see here for more detail).

To solve this problem, you can use --excluded_line_regex 's*else.*' and --excluded_line_regex 's*}.*' to exclude respectively else or }.You can also introduce a special comment like // @NOCOVERAGE and use --excluded_line_regex '.*@NOCOVERAGE.*'.

How to run OpenCppCoverage with vstest.console.exe?

You just need to run vstest.console.exe with OpenCppCoverage:

How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C Mac

OpenCppCoverage --sources YOUR_SOURCE -- 'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017CommunityCommon7IDECommonExtensionsMicrosoftTestWindowvstest.console.exe' debug/UnitTests.dll

For x64, you need to add --cover_children flag:

OpenCppCoverage --cover_children --sources YOUR_SOURCE -- 'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017CommunityCommon7IDECommonExtensionsMicrosoftTestWindowvstest.console.exe' /Platform:x64 x64/debug/UnitTests.dll

Avoid using a static library

vstest.console.exe loads and unloads several times (17 times in my case) the dynamic library containing the unit tests.

Let's consider your unit tests are located in UnitTests.dll.If you link MyStaticLibrary.lib with UnitTests.dll, UnitTests.dll contains all the code from MyStaticLibrary.lib.As vstest.console.exe loads several times UnitTests.dll, OpenCppCoverage instruments all your code several times and it is very slow!

vstest.console.exe loads dynamic library dependencies only once during the last load.If you transform MyStaticLibrary.lib into a dynamic library, it solves this problem.

You should avoid using a static library with vstest.console.exe and OpenCppCoverage.

Error: 'OpenCppCoverage cannot find the name of the module.'

How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C 2017

Docker is not yet supported. See here for more information.

This error happens when CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_INFO::hFile or LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO::hFile is null.The exact steps to reproduce this issue remain unknown.I had twice this issue and restarting Windows solved the problem. You can also try to copy your program to a different folder.

More report formats

OpenCppCoverage provides an HTML report format.If you want more report formats, you can create your code coverage as a Cobertura file and then use ReportGenerator.

Create a code coverage in Cobertura format:

Create a report in the folder CoverageReport:

See ReportGenerator documentation for additional options.

You can also write your own export format.Explanations are provided here.

Merging code coverage from different source locations

Imaging you would like to compute code coverage in the following use case:

  • Your code is located in the folder C:DevMyProject on computer A.
  • The same code is located in a different folder D:DevMyProject on another computer B.

Run on computer A:

Run on computer B:

Merge the result:

The code is duplicated as C:DevMyProjectMyProjectmyProject.cpp is not the same as D:DevMyProjectMyProjectmyProject.cpp.

To solve this issue, we can use the subst command.In this example, we are using Z: drive letter but it can be any drive letter available on both computers.

On computer A:

  • Run subst Z: C:DevMyProject
  • Open with Visual Studio the solution Z:MyProject.sln (not C:DevMyProjectMyProject.sln) and rebuild your code. This step is mandatory, please see here for more information.
  • Run OpenCppCoverage --sources=MyProject --export=binary:a.cov -- Z:DebugMyProject.exe

On computer B:

  • Run subst Z: D:DevMyProject
  • Open with Visual Studio the solution Z:MyProject.sln (not D:DevMyProjectMyProject.sln) and rebuild your code. This step is mandatory, please see here for more information.
  • Run OpenCppCoverage --sources=MyProject --export=binary:b.cov -- Z:DebugMyProject.exe

You can now merge your code coverage without duplicated files:

Please note that executable path is still duplicated but source code is merged.

Windows service support

There are two ways to run OpenCppCoverage on a service.

Isolate service specific code

OpenCppCoverage cannot compute the code coverage for a Windows service directly as a service is run by the system.

From'you cannot immediately run a service or step into its code. Instead, you must install and start your service, and then attach a debugger to the service's process'

OpenCppCoverage cannot be attached to a running process, and even if it would be possible, it would not be convenient.Indeed, your service would need to display its process id and wait until you run OpenCppCoverage from the command line.

A workaround is to split your code into three projects:

  • ServiceProject: A service project containing only the code specific to the service. It should be as small as possible.
  • LibraryProject: A library project containing all your code except what is inside ServiceProject.
  • ConsoleProject: A regular console project that call the function of LibraryProject.

Consider the example provided at

  • ServiceProject contains _tmain, SvcMain, ReportSvcStatus and SvcCtrlHandler.
  • LibraryProject contains only SvcInit.
  • ConsoleProject is a console application that call SvcInit.

Using ConsoleProject, OpenCppCoverage can report now the code coverage. As a bonus, you can debug your program easily as you do not need to attached manually your debugger!

Using registry

How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C++

Follow the procedure described on the third bullet point here.Do not forget to check Allow Service to Interact with Desktop.

For Debugger value enter 'C:Program FilesOpenCppCoverageOpenCppCoverage.exe' --sources MySource -- where MySource is your source filter.You can enter additional argument if needed.

Unfortunately, the coverage report is generated inside the folder C:WindowsSystem32CoverageReport-YYYY-MM-DD-HHhMMmSSs and using --working_dir does not help.

How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C Online

This method was tested successfully on a small service but a user report an issue using this method.

Your application has thrown an unhandled exception. Code: 3221225477: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

If the application run by OpenCppCoverage raises an access violation exception, OpenCppCoverage displays Your application has thrown an unhandled exception. Code: 3221225477: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.You should try running your application under a debugger without OpenCppCoverage.

How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C Free

If you can reproduce the problem only when running your program with OpenCppCoverage, creating a minidump file should help:

How To Export Program To Exe From Dev C Windows 10

  • Copy MiniDump.cpp to your project
  • In MiniDump.cpp replace #include 'MiniDump.hpp' by #include <Windows.h>.
  • Call Tools::CreateMiniDumpOnUnHandledException(); in your main function. The code should be similar to:
  • Run your application. Tools::CreateMiniDumpOnUnHandledException() creates the file OpenCppCoverage.dmp when an access violation occurs.
  • Open the dump with Visual Studio 2019.