How To Change Bpm In Traktor Pro 2

  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years, 9 months ago by .

How Does Analysis Lock Work in TRAKTOR PRO 2? The Analysis Lock (TRAKTOR PRO 2.6.1 and later) replaces the Beatgrid Lock from previous versions. Syncing in Traktor 2. When tracks have the correct BPM value and if the beatmarker is at the proper position and thus the beatgrid is perfect, those tracks can be synchronised to either the Master Clock or to the deck currently assigned as the sync master.

  • Hi guys, just started out mixing for the first time using a Numark Mixtrack and Traktor Pro 2 and am having problems with the tempo. When ever I load a song onto a deck, Traktor works out the bpm, usually 128 or around there, but when I play the song it is obviously playing at too high a tempo…it just sounds really stupid and high pitched. I’m then forced to lower the tempo as much as possible (using the slider on the mixtrack) taking the BPM down to around 116-118 in which case the song sounds normal and at the right tempo.

    I’m wondering why this is happening because when my tempo slider is set in the middle (neither + or -) the song should logically be playing at the right tempo, not a ridiculously faced paced tempo as it is at the moment.

    Is there a setting on Traktor I should be changing or is there just something wrong with how its reading my tracks? Any help would be much appreciated, cheers

    Sounds like the audio settings to me – see if you can change “48000 Hz” to “44100 Hz” in Preferences > Audio Setup.

    Yeah, I had the same issue with my laptops internal card (I usually use the audio in my S4, but I didn’t have it at the time). Pretty sure changing the sampling rate fixed it. Best of luck!

    mailman, post: 3368 wrote: Thanks for the tips guys, unfortunately my sampling rate is already set at 44100 Hz and I can’t seem to change it anyway…any other ideas?

    Hello Mailman :);
    Although the Standard Sample Rate for Traktor is 44100; some Sound Cards Need to be Set At A 48,000 Sample Rate in order to Lose the Tempo challenge you have; so that is my Suggestion for you to try next;
    And; in order to do this; you need to go to your Preferences Button (which is usually under ‘Edit’); but it will be Within One of the Drop Down Lists; and you Will (when you see 41,000) be able to Change it to 48,000 🙂

    mailman, post: 3427 wrote: For some reason I’m unable to change my sampling rate, when I click the drop down menu the only option there is 44100. I can’t type in a different number or select a different rate because none are there, only 44100??

    Any ideas as to why this is? :confused:

    If (on your PC); you go to;
    Control Panel;
    Hardware and Sound;
    Manage Audio Devices;
    Right Click your ‘Audio Device’ (Sound Card);
    Select Properties;
    Click Advanced Tab;
    And under the ‘Default Format’; you will have a Drop Down Box;
    Click the Down Arrow;
    Select 48,000 Sample Rate;
    Press Apply; then Ok; then Ok again to Close the Open Menu Boxes;
    Then; this will Probably give you the ‘Option’ to Choose 48,000 in Traktor;
    As Currently; if your Sound Card is set to 44,100 then you will Not have this Option in Traktor;
    Hope this is of Some Help to You 🙂

    check the keylock is switched on aswell… ive heard of this being a problem for many people, and uping the buffer rate on your sound card might help aswell

    It sounds like the sample rate on your computer and the sample rate in Traktor didn’t match. When you plugged in the new soundcard however its sample rate did match. It doesn’t matter what the sample rate is as long as they match. However the more over 44100 you go the more processing power required.

How to change bpm in traktor pro 2 freeBpmChange
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How To Change Bpm In Traktor Pro 2 For Free

I'm not an expert on Traktor settings - I set mine up for me to work and never have had to change them. Anyway, I get back to my setup after he plays his few tracks and my Traktor is all jacked up. Won't exit relative mode. The pitch changes, but the BPM readout doesn't change. I don't know what he did to my Traktor, but I can't figure it out. Jul 26, 2011  Hi guys, just started out mixing for the first time using a Numark Mixtrack and Traktor Pro 2 and am having problems with the tempo. When ever I load a song onto a deck, Traktor works out the bpm, usually 128 or around there, but when I play the song it is obviously playing at too high a tempoit just sounds really stupid and high pitched.

How To Change Bpm In Traktor Pro 2 Crack

How To Change Bpm In Traktor Pro 2 1

To change the pitch fader range, open Traktor Pro 2’s preferences by clicking on the cogwheel icon in the top right. Then go to the Transport tab. Under Tempo, you’ll see the option Set Tempo Range To. By clicking on this dropdown menu, you can adjust the pitch fader range for all. Feb 28, 2014  I want to manually change a BPM of a track in Traktor. Nothing to do with Traktor working out the BPM incorrectly or anything, I literally want to, for example, change a 140bpm track to 70bpm, or even 35bpm - so i can get some weird super slow-motion effects going.